Planning for a Volunteer Management System in Next Year's Budget

During the second half of the fiscal or calendar year, many organizations begin to plan their budgets. For local and state governments, as well as nonprofits, this is a crucial time to consider ways to wisely spend dollars that enhance efficiency and increase impact.

Efficiently engaging volunteers reduce administrative overhead, increase volunteer involvement, and ultimately help achieve your mission more effectively. If those goals align with your organization’s mission, budgeting for a VMS should be a priority.

Why a Volunteer Management System?

  1. Improved Efficiency: A VMS automates many administrative tasks, freeing up staff time for more strategic activities.
  2. Enhanced Volunteer Experience: With a user-friendly VMS, volunteers can easily sign up, track their hours, and receive timely communications.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Access to comprehensive data on volunteer activities and impacts helps organizations make informed decisions.
  4. Scalability: As your volunteer base grows, a VMS can scale with you, accommodating increased demands without additional administrative burden.

Tools to Get Started

  1. Build a Strong Case: Collect data on the current inefficiencies in your volunteer management processes. Estimate the potential time and cost savings a VMS could bring. Highlight the system's potential to improve volunteer retention and satisfaction.
  2. Research and Compare Options: Identify and compare different VMS options based on your organization’s specific needs. Use a VMS Buyer's Guide as a resource. Look for systems that offer the features most relevant to your operations, and consider both initial and ongoing costs.
  3. Explore Funding Opportunities: Investigate grants and funding opportunities specifically for technology upgrades. Many foundations and government programs support investments in tools that enhance organizational capacity.

Tips for Local and State Governments

  1. Align with Strategic Goals: Ensure that the VMS aligns with your broader strategic goals for community engagement and public service.
  2. Collaborate Across Departments: A VMS can benefit multiple departments, from parks and recreation to emergency services. Collaborative budgeting can help distribute costs and demonstrate the system's broad value.
  3. Secure Support: Gain the support of leaders and potentially, elected officials, by demonstrating the system’s potential to improve constituent services and engagement.

Tips for Nonprofits

  1. Showcase Impact: Use case studies and testimonials from other nonprofits that have successfully implemented a VMS to illustrate its potential impact.
  2. Prioritize Features: Focus on the features that will bring the most immediate value to your organization, and how it can augment existing systems. Consider a phased implementation to spread out costs.
  3. Engage Volunteers in the Process: Volunteers can be strong advocates for a VMS if they understand how it will improve their experience. Many volunteers are also donors for nonprofits. Involve them in the selection process and gather their input on desired features.

Steps to Take Before Investing in a VMS

  1. Conduct a Needs Assessment: Identify the specific needs of your organization and volunteers to ensure the VMS you choose addresses them effectively.
  2. Understand Your Organization's Procurement Process: Purchasing a Volunteer Management Software requires careful planning, collaboration, and adherence to procurement regulations.
  3. Plan for Change Management: Develop a change management plan to address potential resistance and ensure smooth adoption.
  4. Budget for Ongoing Costs: Consider ongoing costs such as subscription fees, updates, and additional training. Ensure your budget can accommodate these expenses in addition to the initial cost.


Investing in a Volunteer Management System is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance your organization’s capacity to manage and engage volunteers. By planning ahead and securing the necessary budget, you can position your organization for greater success in the coming year.

For more information on how Offero can help your organization streamline volunteer management, contact us.

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